Thursday, September 14, 2006


Marketing Seasons Are Changing!

Well summer is almost over here and I refuse to get out of my shorts and into jeans. But as the seasons changes so does the Marketing. As Marketers, Our season is just starting it seems. Even though this summer has been a good one I think this Winter will be an amazing one for all of us.

New products are coming out in full swing and my mail box is seeing some names from the past already telling me about the pre-launches coming up. Some have even started to push their new product through Joint Ventures to test the waters.

There are some great new products out for the newbie and they look promising, easy to use and all web based, no downloading. That is great news for dial up connection.
But all in all so many things are becoming plug_and_play, which is great for everyone.
Gives me more time to do the things I want to do. One day I will complain because I had to type my words and tell my grandkids how tiring it was.

Today is the day! Anyone who is interested about e-commerce should start today. There are so many opportunities and so many ways to go about starting or expanding your business that your head will spin off. And if you want to know more, get ready, here it comes. More and faster than you want or can handle.

Do you remember the Saying “Talk is Cheap”, well it still is. I suggest to anyone who is either starting out or to the more experienced, “Do Diligence” and do your research.
Use Google and go search it out till you exhaust the trail. Go to Forums and ask questions, you will get a reply, good or bad or you may see your answer. Write a mentor or respected colleague to review your research, idea, product or program.

Before you know it you have an informed decision to make, do you do it or not!
Yield..Yield…. Don’t do it Alone! How did you ever learn anything, you had a teacher or an instructor who was dedicated to making sure you knew the subject before you could move on. Rule #1 for the new person, absolutely do not try this by yourself unless you have more money than you know what to do with.

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