Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Get Web2.0 Traffic

One Reason you should use Web2.0

It’s free! What is Web2.0? In a round about way it is a Social Networking/Permissive Marketing and a possible income for you. To sum it up there are many sites today that
are hot in their popularity and the search engines are all over them looking for rich content to expand their search engines data base so they can supply their clients’ fresh new relatable sites to market their goods or services on. It is a brilliant concept and appears to be working, wouldn’t you agree. PPC is making people Rich!

Web2.0 is not just any one community style site which makes Web2.0 even more attractive to expand your business. Some sites you may want to tell your story, like on MySpace where you can build a huge friend list. At MySpace you can compel the reader to click on links to take them to your other sites to get more information on a topic or something for free, but you really want people to feel that if they click on the link they will find out more. Be it curiosity or to solve a problem that is how you should lead someone to click on your links through your writing abilities.

Web2.0 can encompass sites like Squidoo where you can really feel the power of writing with captive headlines and short articles of interest. Here again, all this can link to your Blog using RSS so you can keep the page Fresh with new content. Again, at Squidoo you can back link to all your other sites and you can direct sale here, it’s allowed and practiced. I find the groups at Squidoo the place to be and will expose you to other members who have like interests in major topics and things for sale. It is a great site to market at and with, plus the theme of giving to charity makes it a great community builder that has cause and purpose.

As you can see, this play ground of social networking, called Web2.0, is a newbies heaven and will continue to grow with the internet growing at the rate it is. People will be reaching out seeking knowledge to the power of the internet and will be going to these HOT sites where their friends are at. As long as you give something in value to people using Web2.0 you will continue to meet new people, network and make some money as long as you focus on helping others and directing people to information they seek. Whether it is free information or something to buy you know you compelled that person to click, what do you think that is worth to you and your business.

There is no real secret to it, the sites are laid out to compliment what ever your focus is and purpose, all you have to do is ride it and discover new people who have like interests.
Well, I lied… you need to write and publish not just one time but hundreds of times.

Please feel free to practice your writing skills and leave a comment below. If you leave a link please ad SwK Marketing News to your site. It is a popularity contest on the net, let’s get popular together.

Scott Kelley


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